Service for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The Service for the Blind and Visually Impaired, short SfBS, provides mostly scientific or study relevant, digitised material for the blind and visually impairedi. The material is password protected and only available for above mentioned users.

To access the material you must be a registered user and your user account must be activated by the staff of SfBS. As soon as your account is activaded you can access all the material on the server. A detailed instruction can be found in our FAQ.


Communities in SfBS

Select a community to browse its collections.

Recent Submissions

(2014) Franke, Gabriele Helga
(1990) Folstein, Marshal F.; Folstein, Susan E.; McHugh, Paul R.
(2020) Fahrenberg, Jochen; Hampel, Rainer; Selg, Herbert
Psychiatrie fast
(Börm Bruckmeier, 2019) Bschor, Tom; Grüner, Steffen
Der bekannte Crashkurs – in nur 6 Stunden werden dem Leser die wichtigsten Inhalte der Psychiatrie vermittelt: Von der Anamneseerhebung und dem psychopathologischen Befund über die psychiatrischen Krankheitsbilder, deren Therapien sowie der ICD-10 bis zu den rechtlichen Bestimmungen.