Knoblauch, HubertSchnettler, BerntRaab, JürgenSoeffner, Hans-George2017-03-292017-03-2920062007-09-12ISBN 3-631-54276-3 vom Verlag; nicht vom SfBS bearbeitet.In the last few years we have witnessed the widespread proliferation of video camcorders as a powerful and sophisticated instrument for data collection. Video is increasingly used in broad areas of research throughout the social sciences. It allows for a rich recording of social processes and provides a completely new kind of data. Used as a «microscope of interaction», this «video revolution» is expected to exert profound impact on research practice. But despite its popularity as an instrument, the methodological discussion of video is still underdeveloped. This book gathers a selection of outstanding European researchers in the field of qualitative interpretive video analysis. The contributions discuss the crucial features of video data and present different approaches how to handle, interpret, analyse and present video data collected in a wide range of «real world» social fields. The book thereby aims at providing an overview on contemporary interpretive and qualitative approaches to video analysis.enDieses Werk wurde mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Verlages in PC-lesbare Form für Sehgeschädigte übertragen. Dem Nutzer ist es nicht gestattet, Kopien davon anzufertigen, an Dritte weiterzugeben oder sie zu gewerblichen Zwecken zu verwenden. Der Nutzer haftet für jeglichen Schaden, der durch Missbrauch der Blindenausgabe dem Verlag entsteht.SoziologieGesellschaft300Video analysis: methodology and methodsqualitative audiovisual data analysis in sociologyText